I first learned how to camp on my own the summer that my friend Elizabeth and I decided to camp out illegally on Mount Tamalpais. On our first night on the beach, neither one of us was willing to take responsibility for having sheets in our backpack but I did own up to the watermelon. By the end of the season, we had lightened up considerably; we
Posted February 14th, 2013 by admin in category
How To,
It's Valentine's Day and I am feeling flooded with gratitude for all of the love in my love and nostalgia for the times when I didn't know how much love I had.
Nothing gives me the 'not enough's' quite like Facebook, so I tend to avoid posting pictures of the embarrassment of riches that my life holds when it comes to love, travel and rich
Ruh Roh. I fell down a bunnyhole this morning and I can't get out.
Here's what I did.
I went to Google Images
and clicked on the little camera icon
It invited me to search for things by image instead of word.
And so I uploaded a picture of my old orange 1969 F100 and got these
If you are reading this post, you probably are.
Stop it. You're being creepy.
As the owner of a muffin top and a chin that needs management when a camera is around, I thought I'd share a few of my favorite tips on how to look thin and beautiful in your Facebook profile pictures.
1.) Bird's eye view aka the God View.
If you want to feel good about yourself, next time you're in an elevator with mirrors on the ceiling, look