Barra de Potosi Fisherman Working Off of the Beach
Barra de Potosi in the state of Guerrero, Mexico is the most perfect healthy happy little village I know. I love it so much I even got married there three weeks ago. While we were down there, the local village residents and resident expats were in a state of deep concern because they are under
I was riding downtown on Willamette Avenue when I first spied her. She was the marine equivalent of the pumpkin orange 1969 F100 I spent three years wrenching on and pouring gas into. I knew better. She was a fiberglass encased heartbreak, but so shapely! Vernal pools thrived in her fiberglass bottom. Grass sprouted from cracks in her leather
Wait til you see the cover of the zine itself!
On Wednesday, June 23 Moe Bowstern will be hosting the official zine release party for Xtra Tuf #6, The Greenhorn Issue. It’s a beautifully put together thoroughly entertaining zine and I’m very proud to be in it.
If you’ve already heard my story of being a greenhorn commercial