by Cholula the Wonderdog Audley-White
I have a STICK!
stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick stick
I am working on my book in a secret getaway this week. I brought Cholula the Wonderdog for company and beach walking incentives. It has been nice to go feral–waking up when I wake up, eating the same thing again and again, wearing the same outfit for days and taking fetch breaks on the beach with dog when I'm not making running leaps at the
Ruh Roh. I fell down a bunnyhole this morning and I can't get out.
Here's what I did.
I went to Google Images
and clicked on the little camera icon
It invited me to search for things by image instead of word.
And so I uploaded a picture of my old orange 1969 F100 and got these
As the owner of a muffin top and a chin that needs management when a camera is around, I thought I'd share a few of my favorite tips on how to look thin and beautiful in your Facebook profile pictures.
1.) Bird's eye view aka the God View.
If you want to feel good about yourself, next time you're in an elevator with mirrors on the ceiling, look
I was riding downtown on Willamette Avenue when I first spied her. She was the marine equivalent of the pumpkin orange 1969 F100 I spent three years wrenching on and pouring gas into. I knew better. She was a fiberglass encased heartbreak, but so shapely! Vernal pools thrived in her fiberglass bottom. Grass sprouted from cracks in her leather
Wait til you see the cover of the zine itself!
On Wednesday, June 23 Moe Bowstern will be hosting the official zine release party for Xtra Tuf #6, The Greenhorn Issue. It’s a beautifully put together thoroughly entertaining zine and I’m very proud to be in it.
If you’ve already heard my story of being a greenhorn commercial
The Obama Administration and the IWC (International Whaling Commission) announced on April 22, 2010 the publication of a proposal in which they recommended allowing members of the IWC who are currently whaling under the guise of scientific research to do so legally for the next 10 years, ending a 25-year long moratorium on commercial
There's always something good to watch in the animal kingdom and with the dollar being what it is nowadays, many of us must spend more time in the armchair than on safari than we would like.
It's spring. Sap is rising. Animals are having babies and getting frisky with the warmer weather. Here are a few live animal cams that are good to watch